Extending Grace to Our Children

The other day I blogged about messing up, big time, as a parent. It will affect where my daughter goes to high school and I had been a little worried about what she was going to say when she found out that I was the one responsible. It really shouldn’t have come as a surprise but she wasn’t mad at me. We have a really good relationship and she knows what my intentions are, so she saw it for what it really was…a mistake. It got me thinking about the times my children have messed up, the mistakes they have … Continue reading

Those Rocky Moments

A friend recently reminded me to not take things my teen says personally. It was good advice but hard to receive. You can never really be prepared for those sometimes rocky moments that happen between a parent and a teenager. They can come out of nowhere, leaving you to wonder what just happened. In the midst of the chaos however, as a parent there are some things we need to remember. In addition to the advice of not taking things personally, we should also remember these things… Teens sometimes say things they don’t really mean Teens sometimes speak out of … Continue reading

How Long is Too Long for Kindergarten?

My baby begins kindergarten in the fall. Half-day kindergarten. For roughly four hours or so each day, my loquacious daughter will be chatting the ears off of some woman, who probably looks nothing like me, and a gaggle of kids who probably act just like her. Four hours. I’m not sure what I’ll do with myself. NOT! (Can you say three jobs and a never-ending battle with dirty clothes, the dishwasher and dust bunnies?) Still, when I think of how long kids in one Canadian province might have to spend in kindergarten, I’m liking the sound of four hours more … Continue reading